Creating a video from scratch
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Written by Success Team
Updated over a week ago

To get started, click 'Blank video' from the homepage, after that you will be redirected to the format selecting page.

Select the best format for your video. Don't stress - you can change the format of your video at any time!

Once you've selected your format, you'll be asked to choose a video Style. These Styles provide a specific look and feel to your video. You can change your video's Style, or customize it, at any time.


Animated GIF

You made it! Now you're officially in the Editor, where you can really start getting creative.

Tip: Need to head back to the homepage? Click on the Studio logo in the top left of the platform. You can return to your video to continue editing at any time.

Ready for the next steps? Read on about adding text to your video.

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